Floor C7
On floor C7 there are 4 bookable premises/spaces.
C-side (C703)
Internal price: 618:-/hour. The room has a Salto lock and only staff with LU cards have access.
The room is furnished in U-shaped seating (18 seats). It can also be furnished in school seating (36 seats) or cinema seating (44 seats). Other furnishings can be ordered in connection with the booking. The room has a screen, camera, built-in ceiling microphone, hand microphone and head set.
We want it to be used primarily for research seminars, collaborative projects, staff meetings, etc. The room may be booked for teaching when there is a need for it.
If the Lounge is to be used in connection with a planned event, it must also be booked.
C7 Lounge (C729)
Internal price 317:-/hour. The room is Salto locked and only staff with LU cards have access.
This room is similar to the Campus Faculty Club with seating for 21 people. There is a screen and speakers. Image and sound can be connected to C-side. Note that the rooms are booked separately. There is a folding glass wall between the rooms.
The lounge is suitable for spontaneous meetings, scan the QR code at the door to see if it is available. If you want to ensure that no one else has access, a reservation is needed.
Kronborg, (C716)
Internal price 349:-/hour. The room has a Salto lock and only staff with LU cards have access.
Meeting room with 20 seats. Technology is available for digital meetings.
An anteroom with a few tables and chairs is included in the rent, where you can set up coffee or talk in small groups. The wide aisle is needed as an escape route, so move the chairs towards the table after the meeting.
Study area, (C725)
Internal price 618:-/hour
We have created a study area with about 100 seats for students. It is available for booking, so that at occasional events (such as labour market days, conferences, etc.) you can gather here for mingling.
No teaching or exams can take place in this premise.